Mainly, there are plans to overhault the record submitters using some of the UI components that have been developed for the internal management interface. Some of these changes will bring improvements to the public facing parts of pointercrate soon hopefully. Since september, the list mods use a web interface for managing the list, instead of a disord bot.At the same time, the entire database layer was rewritten. Back in march, pointercrate's internals were rewritten to utilize the then-stabilized async/await mechanics.Our new GD connector, dash-rs, was developed in collaboration with mgostIH. GD Integration has been reworked and is now based upon a much more solid foundation.Which is why I am using this entry to just quickly summarize the few things that did change this year While there were some quite significant changes made to pointercrate this year, they were mostly internal, or not available to the public. Keeping up with the tradition of updating this part of the website precisely once a year, I find myself not really able to report about a major update at all.